Temporary Dentures: Timeline, Costs, Benefits, And More

From "snap-on smiles" to instant upgrades, discover how these magical mouthpieces can give you a Hollywood-worthy grin in no time. Read on to learn about the benefits, drawbacks, and everything in between.

9 min readTemporary Dentures: Timeline, Costs, Benefits, and More

Have you ever watched a makeover show where someone undergoes a dramatic transformation in just a few hours? One moment they're frumpy and unremarkable, and the next, they're glowing with confidence and style. It's like magic, right? Well, if you're missing teeth and feeling self-conscious about your smile, temporary dentures can offer a similar kind of instant upgrade.

Just like a makeover artist might use clip-in extensions or false lashes to enhance someone's appearance, a dentist can create temporary dentures to give you a new set of teeth while you wait for your permanent ones to be ready.

These "snap-on smiles" can be a game-changer for people who want to feel more comfortable eating, speaking, and socializing in public.

So if you're curious about what it's like to have a Hollywood-worthy smile, read on to learn more about temporary dentures and whether they might be a good fit for you.

What Are Immediate Temporary Dentures? An Overview

Imagine getting a new set of teeth in just one day. With immediate temporary dentures, it can be a reality. These "instant gratification" mouthpieces are created before your teeth are extracted, so you can leave the dentist's office with a new smile on the same day.

Immediate temporary dentures are a set of custom-made teeth that fit snugly over your gums. They're not meant to be a permanent solution, but they can give you a sense of what it's like to have a full set of teeth while your mouth heals and your permanent dentures are being crafted.

It’s a great quick fix that can make a big difference in your confidence and comfort.

What To Expect Throughout The Process

Ready for a new set of teeth? Getting temporary dentures can be a quick and easy way to go from toothless to terrific. Here's what you can expect during the process:

Step 1: Consultation With Your Dentist

Before getting temporary dentures, you'll need to consult with your dentist. They'll examine your mouth, take measurements, and discuss what you want to achieve. Think of it like a consultation where they want to know about your vision and how to make it a reality! It’s also a good time to ask any questions you might have about the process.

Step 2: Tooth Extraction (If Necessary)

If you have any remaining teeth that need to be extracted, your dentist will perform this procedure first. They may also need to perform any necessary gum or bone surgeries to prepare your mouth for dentures.

Step 3: Fitting For Immediate Temporary Dentures

Once your mouth is ready, your dentist will take another set of impressions and measurements to create your temporary dentures. These dentures will be crafted to fit over your gums and any remaining teeth or implants you have.

Step 4: Placing The Temporary Dentures

When your temporary teeth are ready, your dentist will pop them into your mouth. They may need to make a few tweaks to ensure they fit comfortably and securely.

Step 5: Adjusting To Your New Dentures

It may take a little time to get used to your new teeth, typically a few days or weeks. You might feel a little sore or uncomfortable, but don't worry - that's normal and will subside over time. Your dentist will give you tips on how to care for and clean your new teeth and help you get used to them.

Step 6: Follow-Up Appointments

Your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to make sure you're happy with your new look and to make any necessary adjustments. And, of course, be sure to let them know of any issues you might be having with them.

Pros And Cons Of Immediate Dentures

Let’s go ahead and weigh the pros and cons of immediate dentures.

Benefits Of Temporary Dentures

  • You won't have to go without teeth: With immediate dentures, you won't have to worry about being toothless while you wait for your permanent set. You can go from zero to a full set of teeth in a single day!
  • They help with the healing process: Immediate dentures can actually help with the healing process after tooth extraction. They act as a bandage for your gums and can help reduce swelling and bleeding.
  • They can help you adjust to wearing dentures: If you're new to wearing dentures, immediate dentures can be a great way to ease into the experience. You can get used to wearing and caring for dentures before you get your permanent set.
  • They can improve your speech: Missing teeth can make it difficult to speak clearly. Thanks to immediate dentures, you can improve your speech and communicate more clearly.
  • They can restore your smile: Perhaps the biggest benefit of immediate dentures is that they can restore your smile and confidence in a matter of hours. You can go from feeling self-conscious about missing teeth to beaming with confidence and pride in your new set of pearly whites!

Drawbacks Of Temporary Dentures

  • They may require adjustments: Immediate dentures may require adjustments as your gums heal, and your mouth changes shape. You’ll likely need to go back to your dentist for adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit.
  • They may not fit perfectly: Because immediate dentures are made before your tooth extraction, they may not fit perfectly. Your dentist will strive to create a comfortable fit, but you may experience some discomfort or soreness. As well, your jaw bone may shrink after extraction, increasing the need for periodic adjustments.
  • They may need to be replaced: Immediate dentures are not designed to be a permanent solution. You'll still need to get a permanent set of dentures at some point in the future.
  • They may not look as natural as permanent dentures: Keep in mind they may not look as natural as permanent dentures. Although your dentist will do their best to create a natural look, you might need to be patient and wait for your permanent set for the most realistic look.
  • They may be more expensive: As they require more preparation and customization, be prepared to spend a little more than traditional dentures! Make sure you understand the costs involved before committing to immediate dentures.

Who’s A Good Candidate For Temporary Dentures?

Temporary dentures are a fantastic solution for many, so if you fall under any of these categories, you’re likely a good fit!

  • People getting multiple teeth extracted: If you're having several teeth extracted at once, temporary dentures might be a good option for you. They can help you avoid going without teeth while your gums heal and prepare for your permanent set of dentures.
  • People who want to protect their gums: After tooth extraction, your gums can be sore and vulnerable to infection. Temporary dentures can act as a protective barrier and help prevent oral infections while your gums heal.
  • People who want to restore their smile quickly: Self-conscious about missing teeth? Immediate dentures can help you restore your smile and confidence in just one day.
  • People with severe gum disease: Severe gum disease can cause your teeth to become loose or fall out. In this case, temporary dentures can be a good solution while you get treatment for your gums.
  • People attending an upcoming event: If you have a significant event coming up, like a wedding or a job interview, and you don't want to go without teeth, temporary dentures can be a great option.
  • People who want to maintain their facial structure: Missing teeth can cause your face to sag and look older. Temporary dentures can help maintain your facial structure and prevent further bone loss.
  • People who aren’t candidates for dental implants: Those who aren’t good candidates for dental implants, can use temporary dentures as an alternative. They can help you maintain your smile and oral health while you explore other options.
  • People who need time to adjust to dentures: If you've never worn dentures before, temporary dentures can be a great way to ease into the experience. You can get used to wearing and caring for dentures before you get your permanent set.
  • People who want to eat normally: Missing teeth can make it difficult to eat certain foods. Temporary dentures can help you eat a normal diet and enjoy your favorite foods without discomfort or embarrassment.

Procedure For Getting Immediate Dentures

There are two types of immediate dentures: partial dentures and complete dentures.

Temporary partial dentures are used when only a few teeth need to be replaced. Your dentist will take teeth impressions and create a mold for the dentures. Then, they'll carefully remove the necessary teeth and place the partial dentures in your mouth.

Complete dentures, on the other hand, are used when all of your teeth need to be replaced. The procedure is similar to partial dentures, but instead of just removing a few teeth, your dentist will remove all of them. This process takes a little longer, as they’ll have to extract teeth across two appointments. They’ll likely start with the back teeth, allow the area to heal, and get the rest of the front teeth taken out later on.

How Long Do Immediate Dentures Last?

The lifespan of immediate dentures can vary depending on a few things, like how well you take care of them and the health of your gums and jawbone.

But here’s the deal - immediate dentures are not meant to be a permanent replacement for your natural teeth. They're designed to give you a temporary solution while your gums and jawbone heal from tooth extraction or other dental work. With proper care, they should last 6 to 8 months - the typical length of time until your permanent ones arrive.

So, what should you do to make your immediate dentures last as long as possible? Here are a few tips:

  • Practice good oral hygiene by brushing your dentures daily with a soft-bristled brush and using a denture cleaner.
  • Avoid eating sticky or hard foods that could damage your dentures or cause them to loosen.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and adjustments to ensure your dentures continue to fit properly.

How Much Do Temporary Dentures Cost?

The best part about temporary dentures is that they're often more affordable than permanent dentures.

The cost of immediate dentures can vary depending on a few things, like the complexity of the dental work needed and the materials used to create the dentures. As an estimate, you can expect to pay around $1,000 to $3,000 per arch (top or bottom set of teeth).

Keep in mind that the cost typically includes the initial consultation, extractions, temporary denture creation, and any follow-up appointments to make sure everything fits properly.

Don’t forget, once your gums and jaw have fully healed, you'll need to get a permanent set of dentures, which can be more expensive. If you’re worried about the cost, many dental offices have financing options or accept dental insurance to make temporary dentures more affordable.

Temporary Dentures Vs Permanent Dentures

Are you trying to decide between temporary dentures and permanent dentures? Here’s a rundown of these two options so you can make the right decision.

Temporary Dentures

  • Immediate solution for missing teeth
  • Created and placed in your mouth on the same day as extractions
  • Can be adjusted as your gums and jaw heal
  • Typically less expensive than permanent dentures
  • Designed to be a temporary solution until permanent dentures can be made

Permanent Dentures

  • Custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly
  • Made of higher-quality materials for durability and longevity
  • May take several appointments to create and fit properly
  • More expensive than temporary dentures, but designed to last for many years
  • Allow for a more natural-looking smile and improved chewing and speech abilities

When Are Dentures Necessary?

So, when are dentures necessary? Here are a few common situations:

  • Extensive tooth decay or damage: If your teeth are severely decayed or damaged, they may need to be removed, and dentures can replace them.
  • Gum disease: Advanced gum disease can cause your teeth to become loose and fall out, and dentures can be used to replace them.
  • Injury or trauma: If you've had an accident or injury that resulted in missing teeth, dentures can help restore your smile.
  • Congenital conditions: Some people are born with missing teeth or have conditions that cause their teeth to fall out, and dentures can help improve their quality of life.

While dentures may not be necessary for everyone with missing teeth, they can be a great option for those who want to improve their appearance, speech, and ability to eat comfortably.

How Are Temporary Dentures Made?

Temporary dentures are usually made with acrylic resin. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth as a mold for the temporary denture. Then, wax is used to make a model of the upper and lower jaws so the dentist can check the shape and fit of the denture before it’s finalized.

Once the wax model is approved, a dental laboratory craftsman will make your temporary denture out of acrylic resin. They use special tools to carve and trim it until it matches the exact specifications given by your dentist. After it gets sent back to your dentist, you’ll try it on and get adjustments done for a comfy fit.

Cleaning And Care

Temporary dentures can make all the difference in your life while you wait for permanent replacements. But to keep them functioning properly, they require special cleaning and care. Here’s how to keep your temporary dentures looking great:

Gently brush away any food particles between teeth or along the gumline with a soft bristle toothbrush and lukewarm water. You can also use a denture cleanser, but avoid abrasive options that could harm the surface. Make sure to avoid hot or boiling water when cleaning, as this can cause warping or cracking.

To keep your temporary dentures in tip-top condition, you should soak them overnight in a mild solution of warm water and cleaning agent. The cleaning agent will help keep them free of bacteria, remove any built-up plaque, and eliminate bad odors. You can also use a denture adhesive when wearing your temporary dentures for an extra layer of security and make the fit even more comfortable.

When you’re not wearing your temporary dentures, store them in a dry container filled with warm water or a cleaning solution. This will keep them from drying out and keep them safe from damage or breakage.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your temporary dentures stay in good condition until you’re ready to move on to permanent replacements!
Want to know more about temporary dentures? Learn more in our FAQ section down below.

How Long Can You Wear Temporary Dentures?

The length of time that you can wear them really depends on your individual needs, but they’ll typically last up to 8 months before needing to be replaced by permanent dentures. Regular check-ups with your dentist are important as the fit of the temporary denture may change over time.

Can You Eat With A Temporary Denture?

Good news - you can eat with a temporary denture! Just make sure it fits comfortably in your mouth and that there's no food stuck underneath. It might take a few days or weeks to get used to chewing and speaking with a new denture, but don't worry - just practice, be patient, and soon enough, you'll be eating like your old self again.

How Many Hours A Day Should I Wear My Temporary Dentures?

To make sure they stay comfortable and last as long as possible, it is recommended to wear them for at least 8 hours a day. That way, you'll keep the shape of your mouth intact while giving your gums some time to rest. If you find yourself feeling soreness or pain, take them out for a bit longer break than usual.

Do You Remove Temporary Dentures At Night?

Yes, temporary dentures should be removed at night. It's important to give your gums a break and allow them to rest while you sleep. Plus, if you keep your dentures in when sleeping, it may cause irritation or even damage the denture itself. So make sure to take them out before bedtime for a good night’s sleep.

Can You Drink Coffee With Temporary Dentures?

Yes, you can drink coffee with temporary dentures. Just be sure to take extra care and sip it slowly so as not to cause any damage. As long as your dentist gives you the all-clear, grab a cup of joe and enjoy.

Can You Chew Gum With Temporary Dentures?

While you can chew gum with temporary dentures, take care not to do so too vigorously. It’s possible for gum to put too much strain on the denture adhesive and cause your dentures to slip out of place.

Can I Brush My Temporary Dentures With Toothpaste?

Brushing your temporary dentures with toothpaste isn't the worst thing to do, but it's not recommended either. Toothpaste contains abrasive ingredients that can damage dentures over time. Instead of using toothpaste, try using a special cleaning paste made specifically for removable dentures to keep them looking and feeling their best.

Can You Brush Temporary Dentures?

You can and should brush your temporary dentures to keep them clean and free of food particles and bacteria. You should use a soft-bristled toothbrush with a non-abrasive toothpaste, gently scrubbing all surfaces of the dentures, including areas that come into contact with your gums and tongue. Don't forget to rinse them off after brushing too.

Why Do Temporary Dentures Hurt?

Temporary dentures can be uncomfortable for a few reasons. They are made to fit your gums right away, but they may need adjustments as your mouth and gums heal after tooth extraction.

The plastic material of the denture may also rub against the sensitive tissues in your mouth, and it's common to experience soreness or irritation until you become accustomed to wearing them.

Can You Soak Temporary Dentures?

Temporary dentures are made from a softer material than permanent ones, which means that you can soak them in a denture cleansing solution to help keep them clean and sanitary. Just make sure to use the cleaning solution as directed on the packaging, and don't leave your temporary dentures soaking for too long.

Are Partial Dentures Comfortable?

Yes, temporary partial dentures can be very comfortable. Modern denture designs are made to fit snugly and securely in the mouth, reducing sore spots and providing a natural feel. They also have improved materials that make them light enough, so they don't slip or cause discomfort when you talk or eat.

Are Partial Dentures Covered By Insurance?

Partial dentures are more affordable than full dentures and can be covered by many insurance plans. Check with your provider to see if they offer coverage for partial dentures and what their policies are. It's possible you may have a copayment or deductible that will need to be met before the insurance kicks in, so make sure to find out all of the details.

Can Temporary Dentures Be Adjusted?

Temporary dentures can be easily adjusted to fit your mouth perfectly. Your dentist will use special tools and materials to make adjustments, such as adding more wax or padding for extra comfort. If you're having trouble with your temporary dentures, don't worry - just make an appointment with your dentist, and they'll be able to help get them fitted just right.

Can Immediate Dentures Be Permanent?

Unfortunately, immediate dentures cannot be permanent. Immediate dentures are a type of removable dental prosthesis that is inserted on the same day as your teeth are extracted and can act as a placeholder until your gums have healed enough for you to get a more permanent solution.

While immediate dentures may look like permanent ones, they don’t provide the same level of stability or comfort.

Can Partial Dentures Damage Other Teeth?

Partial dentures can actually be a great solution to protect your other teeth from further damage! While it's true that partial dentures may put some pressure on the surrounding teeth, this is usually minimal and temporary. When fitted correctly by a dental professional, partial dentures provide support for remaining healthy teeth and help prevent future decay or breakage.

Can Partial Dentures Cause Dry Mouth?

Partial dentures can cause dry mouth. This is because some of the tissues and glands in your mouth that help to keep it moist may be disturbed when you wear a partial denture.

However, you can reduce symptoms by drinking plenty of water or using saliva substitutes. If these don't work for you, talk to your dentist about other options – they'll be able to recommend something that works best for you.