All products are certified by dental expert Dr. Greg Grillo
Sugar, found in many fruits, has a bad relationship with teeth. But fruits, like watermelon, are far better than processed foods regarding their sugar content.
Still, sugar has many people asking the question, "is watermelon bad for teeth?"
The short answer: no. Watermelon is not bad for teeth. Watermelon has many benefits that outweigh the negatives of its relatively low sugar content. You can even eat the seeds without worrying about side effects.
The belief that watermelon is bad for teeth comes from the same area as why every fruit is bad for teeth: sugar. And yes, while eating a large quantity of watermelon isn't a great idea, it is fine in moderation.
To learn more about watermelon's benefits for oral health, check out the rest of this article.
How Do Watermelons Benefit Your Oral Health?
Watermelons benefit your oral health mainly by assisting in the reduction of bacteria. They also are made up of materials with specific teeth-whitening effects.
To find out the specific behind how watermelons benefit your oral hygiene, check out this list:
Enhances Saliva Production
Watermelons can benefit your teeth and improve your smile by encouraging saliva production. Saliva is naturally built to break down the bacteria in your mouth.
Spit is the mouth's natural defense system against harm.
Watermelons are made up of about 92% water. This means that much like drinking actual water, eating watermelons encourages saliva production, preventing dry mouth.
In addition to its water content, watermelon is also incredibly fibrous. The action of chewing (much like gum) also increases your saliva.
Remove Debris
Watermelons help remove debris in two ways.
The first way is a bit redundant: more spit. The more spit you make, the more your mouth can break down what's in it.
Spit is a natural defense system against bacteria and breaks down food. This is why saliva is the first stage in digestion, helping your food get to where it needs to go.
The second way comes from a watermelon's acidic content. Specifically, they are made up of malic acid, which is mildly acidic and has additional benefits.
Malic acid is another compound that increases saliva production. However, it also has a ph balance of around 3.5, comparable to oranges.
The ph level and natural acidity make it ideal for clearing debris. This is why malic acid is used to clear dead skin cells and is a solution for dry mouth. It's a perfect combo for cleaning teeth.
Whitens The Stained Teeth
Clearing debris and killing some bacteria make it one of the few fruit-based teeth-whitening options. Few other fresh fruits can come close to what watermelon does for teeth.
Watermelon is also fibrous, which some people claim is a non-standard way to scrub your teeth. While we agree that chewing might make more saliva, this is a bit of a stretch and has no scientific backing.
You can use this in combination with other foods to help your teeth. When eating avocado for teeth, the potassium there can help keep your teeth strong and prevents tooth decay. This fills in one gap that watermelon doesn't help with.
More extreme options would be using a banana peel for teeth, which is believed to have some whitening properties. However, this one is a bit less believable.
There are also some foods to avoid for better teeth, which include things that weaken the enamel. Some of the worst foods for teeth include soda or processed foods with high sugar content. So, pursuing teeth-healthy foods and avoiding these negative ones can help.
Some might wonder why people pursue alternative teeth whitening solutions when more proven methods exist. People seek these alternative solutions due to teeth whitening costs, which can get pretty expensive.
Of course, healthy teeth start with good oral hygiene. Fresh fruit consumption might help, but it ultimately comes down to your other teeth-cleaning habits.
Provides Gum Protection
Watermelon has a healthy amount of Vitamin C, which helps produce collagen.
This collagen is an integral part of the structure of your gums, so eating watermelon strengthens your gums and teeth.
Vitamin C deficiency is a prevalent issue in developing companies. Those suffering from this also suffer from bleeding gums. In many cases, Vitamin C supplements are taken to counteract the effects.
Ideally, you won't need to take supplements to counteract these effects. Instead, you can get it naturally through regular consumption of watermelon.
Despite the benefits of white teeth, overall mouth health is a higher priority. If you have bleeding gums, it might be due to a lack of Vitamin C. Contact your primary care physician to look for solutions to this problem.
Shield Your Lips
Beyond teeth and gum benefits, watermelon also benefits the rest of your mouth. When you apply this to your lips, it mainly helps you in staying hydrated, which can shield your lips.
Cracked and dry lips can be pretty uncomfortable. Water and hydration is the best way to solve this problem.
Now, this doesn't mean watermelon is an excellent replacement for water. You should still drink plenty of water each day to stay hydrated. But in a pinch, watermelon is one of the best substitutes.
The Bottom Line
So, if you've heard someone saying watermelon is bad for teeth, you know the truth. Watermelon isn't bad for teeth. The benefits of this awesome fruit heavily outweigh any drawbacks.
Watermelon's benefits come in three forms: increased saliva production, use of a mild acid, and high concentrations of Vitamin C.
Malic acid, which you can find in other fruits, contributes to saliva production. It also is a mild acid, which has some natural benefits for teeth. Watermelon's high water content also encourages saliva production, making it a killer combo for food debris and bacteria.
Vitamin C mainly contributes to gum health. You can use watermelon as a great way to counteract Vitamin C deficiency. Given that this will prevent gum damage, it's a great way to protect all parts of your mouth.
While the teeth-whitening effects of watermelon aren't noticeable by themselves, they can be a great addition to your oral care routine.
Can I Eat Watermelon With Braces?
Watermelon is a soft fruit, making it ideal for eating with braces. The seeds are also unlikely to get stuck in the gaps of your teeth. Generally, the only fruits you need to avoid are the hard ones. Fruits like pineapples, oranges, tangerines, and grapes are all fine.
Does Watermelon Whiten Teeth?
Watermelon has malic acid, which could help whiten teeth and promote saliva production. In addition, watermelon is fibrous, which might help remove stains.
Despite these claims, there is little data on the effectiveness of watermelon as a teeth whitener.
Does Watermelon Affect Your Teeth?
Watermelon can help contribute to cleaner teeth, given how it helps increase saliva production. The increased saliva helps break down the bacteria on your teeth, leading to better oral hygiene. The malic acid inside watermelon might also help further break down your bacteria.
Does Watermelon Make Your Teeth Yellow?
Watermelon does not make your teeth yellow or add any other unique colorations. If anything, watermelon can help contribute to whiter teeth, which is very much the opposite. This whitening comes from water and malic acid, contributing to saliva production. So, you might consider it one approach to at-home teeth whitening.
Can Watermelon Make Your Teeth Sensitive?
Watermelon mostly contains water but also holds a mild acid (malic acid). So, while it isn't likely to make your teeth sensitive, there is a chance the malic acid can add to other eroding elements. More acidic fruits, such as using an orange for teeth, are more likely to cause sensitive teeth.
Do I Need To Brush My Teeth After Eating Watermelon?
No, you should not brush your teeth after eating watermelon. If you've consumed anything mildly acidic, rinse it out with water before brushing your teeth. Generally, it's good to wait about half an hour after eating watermelon before brushing your teeth.
Is Watermelon Good For Gums?
Yes, watermelon is an excellent fruit for your gums and teeth. Watermelon is a good source of Vitamin C, which contributes to a stronger mouth. Vitamin C can help prevent gum disease and reduce plaque on your teeth.
Can You Eat Watermelon After Teeth Whitening?
You should avoid eating watermelon (or any fruit) after teeth whitening. The mild acidic content of watermelon can affect sensitive teeth. Your teeth are more sensitive after whitening, especially if you go to an in-office whitening.