Dental Implants & MRIs (Best Guide For 2023)

MRIs are complicated procedures, and having a dental implant just adds more questions. In this guide, you’ll learn what both procedures are, the associated risks, and whether it’s safe to do one with the other.

8 min readA Comprehensive Guide to Dental Implants & MRIs

Dental implants have risen in popularity in recent years, due to their status as a reliable and visually appealing solution for tooth replacement. These implants offer a more durable and long lasting alternative to conventional dentures. However, as demand for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans has escalated in response to growing medical needs and diagnostic requirements, new concerns have emerged regarding the compatibility between dental implants and MRI technology. In this all-inclusive guide, we will address these concerns and furnish patients with vital information to consider when opting for dental implants or preparing for an MRI procedure.

Dental Implants: An Overview

To understand the potential issues surrounding dental implants and MRIs, it's essential to first gain a basic knowledge of what dental implants are and how they function. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials like titanium, which fuse with the jawbone to provide support for dental prostheses like crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Advantages Of Dental Implants

Some advantages of dental implants include:

  1. Natural-Looking Appearance: Dental implants blend seamlessly with your natural teeth and are virtually indistinguishable.

  2. Enhanced Comfort: Unlike removable dentures, dental implants feel and function like natural teeth.

  3. Longevity: Implants last a lifetime with proper care and regular dental check-ups.

  4. Protection Of Healthy Teeth: Unlike dental bridges, implants do not require the altering or grinding down of adjacent teeth as they receive support from the jawbone.

What Is An MRI?: An Overview

Now that we've examined dental implants, let's briefly touch upon MRI technology. MRI scans are advanced diagnostic tools that produce detailed images of the body's structures and organs through the use of powerful magnets and radio waves. This non-invasive procedure is useful in diagnosing various health issues affecting the brain, spine, joints, and soft tissues.

Factors Influencing MRI Compatibility

The primary concern about dental implants with MRIs is the presence of metal within the implants. The powerful magnets within MRI machines could potentially attract or heat the metal components of dental implants, leading to discomfort, distortion in the acquired images, or implant failure. Factors that influence MRI compatibility with dental implants include:

  1. Implant Material: Titanium is the most common material used in dental implants, which has a weak magnetic susceptibility, thus posing minimal to no risk in the MRI environment.

  2. Implant Type: Traditional dental implants, consisting of a titanium post, tend not to interfere with MRI scans. However, some dental implant systems involve the use of magnetic components, which could pose a potential risk during MRI procedures.

  3. MRI Equipment: The strength of the magnetic field emitted by the MRI machine impacts compatibility with dental implants. Typically, lower-field-strength MRI machines pose a lesser risk.

In most cases, patients with dental implants undergo an MRI without significant risk, especially when the implants are made of non-ferromagnetic materials like titanium. To ensure a safe and effective diagnostic process, patients must inform their healthcare providers about their dental implants so that proper precautions are taken. Always consult with your dentist and MRI technician to ensure that your specific implant is compatible with the MRI procedure.

MRI: An In-Depth Look

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful, non-invasive medical imaging technique that employs strong magnetic fields, radio waves, and a computer to produce highly detailed images of the body's internal structures. This state-of-the-art technology aids physicians in diagnosing, monitoring, and treating a wide array of medical conditions that involve the brain, spine, joints, and other soft tissues, all without exposing the patient to ionizing radiation, as with X-rays or CT scans.

How Does An MRI Work?

MRI scanners take advantage of the energy released from hydrogen atoms within the water molecules that make up a large portion of the human body. When subjected to a strong magnetic field, these hydrogen atoms align with the magnetic field. The scanner then emits radiofrequency (RF) waves to disturb this alignment temporarily. As the hydrogen atoms return to their original alignment, they emit energy in the form of RF signals. The MRI scanner detects these signals and uses sophisticated software to create detailed images of the body's internal structures.

Can You Get An MRI With Dental Implants?

Yes, it is generally safe to undergo an MRI scan if you have dental implants. Dental implants are primarily composed of non-magnetic or weakly magnetic materials, such as titanium or zirconia, which do not cause interference with MRI scans. Titanium implants are especially popular because of their biocompatibility, strength, and resistance to corrosion, which makes them an ideal material for long-term dental use.

However, it is important to inform your radiologist and healthcare team about your dental implants before the procedure, as they may need to adjust the imaging settings or take specific precautions to optimize the imaging quality and ensure your safety. In some cases, artifacts caused by dental implants may affect image quality; however, these are generally minor and do not significantly impact the overall diagnostic process.

It is also worth noting that most dental braces use non-magnetic metals these days, and patients with braces usually undergo MRI scans. However, informing the medical team about their presence is crucial as they may cause some distortion in the images, especially when imaging the face or head. The radiologist will consider this when interpreting the scans.

Are Dental Implants Safe For MRI?

Before undergoing an MRI scan, it's essential to know if having dental implants may pose any risks or challenges. Fortunately, dental implants are generally considered safe for MRI procedures, particularly if they're made from materials such as titanium or zirconia.

Why Titanium And Zirconia Implants Are Safe For MRI

Titanium and zirconia implants are inert and non-magnetic, meaning they do not interact with the magnetic field or RF pulses used in MRI scans. As a result, patients with these types of implants undergo MRI procedures without experiencing discomfort, heat generation, or damage to the implant itself.

Potential Image Artifacts And Distortions Caused By Dental Implants

It is crucial to note, however, that dental implants may still cause some artifacts or distortions in the MRI images. These artifacts impact the diagnostic quality of the scan slightly. The presence of dental implants causes the magnetic field to become a bit distorted, which in turn affects the MRI images.

Radiologist Strategies To Minimize Image Distortions

Fortunately, radiologists are well-trained to address and minimize these image distortions. They employ several strategies to obtain the best possible image quality despite the presence of dental implants. These strategies include:

  1. Changing The MRI Coil: The radiologist may use a different type of coil or modify the arrangement of the coils to minimize the impact of the dental implant on the acquired image.

  2. Adjusting Scan Settings: Altering the settings on the MRI machine, such as the flip angle, echo time, or slice thickness, helps minimize artifacts and improve image quality.

Metals, Dental Implants, And MRI Scans: Risks And Precautions You Should Take

In modern dentistry, various metals and alloys are employed in dental restorations, such as dental implants, crowns, bridges, and fillings. While some of these materials like titanium and zirconia dental implants are considered safe for MRI scans, not all metals and alloys are compatible with MRI technology, creating potential risks for patients undergoing MRI procedures.

Ferromagnetic Metals

Elements such as iron, cobalt, nickel, and certain types of stainless steel, also known as ferromagnetic metals, interact extremely strongly with magnetic fields. In an MRI, the presence of these metals causes a range of potentially hazardous effects, such as motion, heating, or torque. These effects lead to implant displacement, increased pain, or even serious injury to patients.

Due to these risks, most modern dental implants avoid using ferromagnetic materials, instead opting for biocompatible and MRI-safe substances like titanium and zirconia. Nonetheless, older dental restorations or those not designed for MRI compatibility may still contain metal components that pose a risk.

Ensuring MRI Compatibility

To minimize potential dangers during an MRI, it is of utmost importance to discuss any existing dental work with your radiologist before undergoing an MRI examination. By providing a comprehensive report of your dental history, including any dental restorations, implants, or fillings, your radiologist assesses the compatibility of your dental work with MRI technology and takes necessary precautions to ensure a safe and effective procedure.

Additionally, make sure to consult with your dentist about any forthcoming dental work, particularly if you anticipate needing an MRI soon. Your dentist chooses the most appropriate materials for any restorations, implants, or fillings that will provide optimal safety during an MRI scan.

By staying well-informed about the materials used in your dental work and discussing those materials with your healthcare providers, you help ensure a safer, more effective MRI procedure.

What Implants Are Not Safe For MRI?

Certain types of dental implants or supporting components made from ferromagnetic metals may pose risks or complications during an MRI procedure. These materials interact with the strong magnetic field generated during the scan, potentially causing issues. Some of the noteworthy dental implants and components to be cautious of include:

  1. Dental implants made from specific stainless steel alloys with a high concentration of ferromagnetic elements might be unsafe for MRI procedures due to their known magnetic properties.
  2. Implants made from cobalt-chromium alloys, which possess magnetic properties, also hinder the safety of an MRI procedure. These alloys might lead to complications during the examination.
  3. Magnetic attachments between dental implants and dentures are another potential risk during an MRI because these attachments may interact with the scanner's magnetic field, causing complications or inaccuracies.

It is crucial to consult with your dentist, orthodontist, and/or radiologist to determine if your dental implants contain any of these materials and whether they are safe for undergoing an MRI.

Now that you know the basic dos and don’ts, let’s take an in-depth look at some of the most frequently asked questions related to MRIs and dental implants.

Are Dental Crowns And MRIs A Dangerous Combination?

Dental crowns are generally safe for MRI scans as they do not interfere with the magnetic field or RF pulses. However, some crowns may contain small amounts of metal alloy, which could cause image artifacts or distortions during the MRI scan. It is essential to inform your radiologist of any dental crowns, restorations, or other dental work before your MRI scan to ensure the necessary precautions are taken.

Can I Get An MRI With Fillings?

Yes, dental fillings are generally safe for MRI scans. Dental fillings typically consist of non-magnetic materials, such as composite resin, porcelain, or ceramic, which do not interact with the MRI's magnetic field or RF pulses. However, older amalgam fillings may contain small amounts of ferromagnetic metals (e.g., silver and mercury), which causes artifacts or distortions in MRI images. Inform your radiologist of any dental fillings or other dental work before your MRI.

How Can I Relieve Pain Caused By A Dental Implant?

If you want to relieve pain from dental implants, the first step is proper preparation before the procedure takes place. Make sure to follow all instructions from your dentist regarding oral hygiene before and after the procedure. This includes brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled brush and flossing once per day, as well as avoiding foods that are hard to chew or sticky.

The most common methods for pain relief involve over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, which are taken up to three times a day. If these do not provide relief, your dentist may recommend stronger medications like narcotic analgesics or steroids. Additionally, you may use ice packs on the affected area every hour or so during the first 24 hours after the procedure to reduce swelling and numb any discomfort in the surrounding tissue.

If pain persists beyond 48 hours after the procedure, it is important to contact your dentist right away. Your dentist may need to adjust the dental implant or use a sedative filling material if needed. In addition, they provide you with other methods of pain relief such as oral antibiotics or mouthwashes. In some cases, a temporary crown may be used while the implant is healing to prevent additional discomfort when eating and drinking. This will also protect the area from any further damage until the permanent crown is installed.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

The price of dental implants varies depending on several factors, such as the type of implant chosen, the number of teeth being replaced, the complexity of treatment required, and any additional procedures needed (such as bone grafting). Generally, the cost of a single implant is about $5,000. If multiple teeth need to be replaced or if additional procedures are needed, your dental implant cost will increase accordingly.


In conclusion, dental implants made from titanium, zirconia, and other non-magnetic materials are generally safe for MRI examinations, with minimal risk of complications. It is crucial to consult with your implant provider and radiologist before undergoing an MRI to ensure the compatibility of all dental devices and restorations. Always disclose any dental work before your MRI appointment to ensure the safest and most effective procedure possible.